About Us


Voicing the various needs of communities. Creating awareness of social ills in our society. Showing the way out to drug addicts, prostitutes, porn slaves etc. Shaking up the “comfort-zone dwellers” who say that the problem is not theirs.


We recognize the uniqueness of every young person. We believe they should grow up in safe environments, free from all forms of abuse and danger. We believe that society’s moral standard can be restored if we as a country stand united against social ills

Umphakathi Okhathazekile (the Concerned Young People of South Africa) is a non-profit organisation which was registered as an NPO in 2010.

In 2018, CYPSA was registered as a PBO (Public Benefit Organization).

The moral decay in our communities caused such great distress to us that we could not keep silent any longer. We have united in taking a stand against the devastation caused by drugs, immorality, HIV/AIDS, human trafficking, crime, prostitution, pornography and abuse, amongst other evils, in all their forms.

Our primary aim is to restore the moral fibre and backbone of society, and in the process of doing so, to eradicate all of the above-mentioned social ills.

Efforts in this direction often take the form of awareness campaigns throughout the country, where we warn society of the truth surrounding the vices mentioned above.

We believe prevention is better than cure and visit communities, schools, NGO's, NPO's, the SAPS, governmental and traditional leaders, correctional facilities, universities and radio stations to raise awareness, to educate and to highlight current events that are of concern to us as an organization which represents South Africa's grassroots communities.

By making the youth aware of the dangers present in today’s society at an early stage, we will be able to help them avoid finding themselves the victims of drug addiction, prostitution, human trafficking and from becoming tomorrow's criminals or victims.

We visit correctional facilities with a message of hope for inmates based on reconciliation and forgiveness within their communities. We see jails as a viable source for strengthening the economy of South Africa. Our vision is to re-incorporate inmates into society and support them in fulfilling their role as responsible citizens of South Africa.

A Restoration Programme is run by us to help those struggling with addiction or other social ills, and we have to date enrolled approximately 18 000+ young men into our programme. By far the majority of those who request to enrol in our Retsoration Programme have exhausted all formal channels and their families finances in attempting to be freed from their addictions, to no avail.

CYPSA therefore enrols those seeking help free of charge and on a purely voluntary basis and unlike a rehabilitation centre, our Restoration Programme takes a holistic "Good Samaritan" approach to assisting those in need.

Literature in the form of pamphlets published by CYPSA is distributed to the public or to learners and educators during our sessions at schools. These pamphlets expose the dangers of a range of challenges faced by the youth today, and also include our contact details to aid those who are seeking help.

We are a well-established organization with committees established in most provinces and CYPSA has been involved in such actions as the implementation of the Trafficking of Persons bill in 2013 and opposing the legalization of prostitution and cannabis in South Africa in more recent years.

Awareness campaigns and actions at major public events have meant much coverage and mention of us in the country’s press, radio stations have often invited the organization to take part in their broadcasts and members of the organization have also appeared on national television.

Our website contains much informative and valuable information and keeps the community informed of our activities.

We consider it our responsibility to voice the needs, concerns and challenges of communities who are often overlooked.

We consider it our duty to care for our future.