Press Releases

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Open Letter to Parliament – Stop the BELA Bill

The situation is critical. Our country’s youth, once full of hope and ambition, are now facing grave challenges. They are losing their lives to drugs, disease, and hunger on the streets. Their aspirations of becoming educators, legal professionals, medical doctors, or nurses have been crushed.


Passing of Reverend Erlo Stegen


CYPSA Press Release: Open Letter to Parents – LGBQTI should stop forcing gender issue down our throats!

?Please help! We are feeling frightened. Our space is being crowded out by an invasion of foreign ideologies that have been sent to trouble us at schools across the Western Cape.


Incwadi kubazali: Abe LGBTQ kumele bayeke ukusiphoqela ezindatsheni zobulili

?Sicela Nisilekele! Sethukile. Izimfundiso zakwamanye amazwe zifohlela ukungena ezikoleni zethu eWestern Cape.


In The Arena – Land Expropriation

The land grab debate is next in the arena, and the world gathers to watch the spectacle.


Who Will Slay this Dagga-dragon?

We, as the youth of South Africa are greatly vexed. A hideous green dagga dragon is prowling in and around our public schools, intoxicating our dreams, destroying our futures…


Fracking KZN: Rhino ‘Trash’ and ‘Spoil’ – The Answer is Still No! – Submission for Public Comment Plans to Frack

The answer is still no and it’s not going to change! In fact we consider it an insult that Rhino Gas and Oil believes that returning to the table with a slightly amended and well-dressed proposition will so easily pull the wool over our eyes.


Press Releases, Open Letters and Media Mentions

Links to publications of various CYPSA press releases and open letters.


Press Release: Help, we are being kidnapped!

?We, the children of South Africa, bemoan the sad fact that while we eagerly wait for our long-promised textbooks to be delivered on time, we have been kidnapped!We already find large fingers covering our mouths, forcing us to be quiet. We are being side-tracked from promising futures by people who act as though they care for us and our learning of maths, science and all languages. HELP!