Cybercrimes Bill Approved – Some Whatsapp Messages Now Illegal
A new South African law means you may be jailed if you forward certain kinds of WhatsApp messages.
Device level porn block to protect children
A new plan will make it a crime to give a child a cellphone that can access pornography
CYPSA Submission to Parliament: Films and Publications Amendment Bill
We are of the opinion that this proposed amendment bill will have extremely negative consequences on our youth, impacting the next generation, with whom we work on a daily basis.
Say NO to Online Pornography
The South African Parliament is currently considering a new Bill (the Films and Publications Amendment Bill), which amongst other things, proposes legalising and decriminalising online distribution of pornography.
Pamphlets Exposing the Dangers of Pornography for Your School and Community – Contact Us
This pamphlet exposes the hidden dangers of pornography use, abuse and addiction.
3 600 Rapes Every Day in SA Fuelled by Porn
In South Africa, 144 women report rape to police every day – that is six cases reported every hour…
Brain Damage from Porn Addiction: An Affair of the Mind
A person hooked on pornography develops a one-track mind. His focus in life becomes single-minded and his view of others, especially of women, narrows.