The Inner Circle

Lord, teach us to pray – Luke 11:1

There is the high calling of becoming broken bread for others. It is a life were we no longer pray according to our own will, but according to His will. It is a life, that receives constantly and is being pouring out constantly. It is a life experiencing God’s olive press, on Gethsemane, so as to provide healing to others. It is those who have yielded themselves over to God in this way, that have become part of His inner circle of his beloved.

Development of an anxiety disorder following an emergency department visit due to dagga use: a population-based cohort study

The study looked at whether using dagga is linked to seeking medical help for anxiety. Researchers checked health records from...

Dagga use linked to higher risk of heart attack and stroke – Journal of the American Heart Association

The study looked at how using dagga might affect people's hearts in different groups of people. They looked at data...