Press Releases


Press Release: Help, we are being kidnapped!

?We, the children of South Africa, bemoan the sad fact that while we eagerly wait for our long-promised textbooks to be delivered on time, we have been kidnapped!We already find large fingers covering our mouths, forcing us to be quiet. We are being side-tracked from promising futures by people who act as though they care for us and our learning of maths, science and all languages. HELP!


Thank You Toyota SA!

?CYPSA would like to extend our deepest gratitude to Toyota South Africa, for their recent donation of a Toyota Rav 4, 4×4 to the organization.


The Condom Issue: Letter from CYPSA and Concerned Parent

It is with grave concern that we read recent articles in the media detailing government’s decision to commence with a programme to distribute condoms to learners in South African schools.


Press Release: Nutt had it wrong in High Court cannabis case – stats tell a different story

?In the recent Pretoria High Court Case, Professor Nutt has vehemently defended the use of dagga as a safer alternative, continuously comparing it with the harms of tobacco and alcohol. He has also stated that should cannabis be legalized, alcohol consumption will drop.


Press Release – Dagga Case: They called us monkeys

The pro-dagga lobby has branded us as being rented for the protest against dagga, while dagga people are calling us monkeys to our face!When we who come out of a life of dagga abuse were standing outside the court to demonstrate against the legalizing of dagga, a dagga man in a wheel chair rolled over and called us monkeys.


Press Release: Why is Cameron Pushing Prostitution Down Africa’s Throat?

We bemoan the fact that Edwin Cameron, from the Constitutional Court Justice, has probably been “ensnared” by certain pro-prostitution groups. We feel betrayed. We understand that Cameron has applauded ‘sex workers’ as hard workers and in need of police protection (to conduct their work?).


Fracking – Open Letter to Parliament

Who can hear our cry for help? Our inheritance from our fathers is in grave danger and we seem to be knocking at closed doors. Our very homeland is on the verge of destruction. A death sentence has been pronounced over it. We mourn.


Press Release: Why is Amnesty International Pushing Prostitution Down Africa’s Throat?

?At last week’s ANC Women’s League conference Nkoana Mashabane bemoaned the fact that women were still not being elected into positions of premiers, municipal managers and secretaries… Why? Because women and girl children are still elected to be prostitutes!


Press Release – Medical Innovation Bill

It was with renewed confidence that CYPSA read of the Central Drug Authority’s submissions to Parliament’s portfolio committee on health with regard to the proposed Medical Innovation bill. We are in full agreement with their sentiments that the bill is “confusing and if it remains in its current form it could result in more social ills and drug abuse in the country,”…